Christianity Quotes

Excerpt: What is the Gospel?

What is the Gospel?

When you stand before God at the judgment, I wonder what you plan to do or say in order to convince him to count you righteous and admit you to all the blessings of his kingdom? What good deed or godly attitude will you pull out of your pocket to impress him? Will you pull out your church attendance? Your family life? Your spotless thought life? The fact that you haven’t done anything really heinous in your own eyes? I wonder what you’ll hold up before him while saying, “God, on account of this, justify me!”

I’ll tell you what every Christian whose faith is in Christ alone will do, by God’s grace. They will simply and quietly point to Jesus. And this will be their plea: “O God, do not look for any righteousness in my own life. Look at your Son. Count me righteous not because of anything I’ve done or anything I am, but because of him. He lived the life I should have lived. He died the death that I deserve. I have renounced all other trusts, and my plea is him alone. Justify me, O God, because of Jesus.”

Christianity Friends Videos

Grace That is Greater Than All Our Sin

It wouldn’t be right to have a Web site called “It’s All Grace” and not talk about grace. That’s why today I figured we would just sing about it.

A classmate and friend of ours, Greg Clark, is the music director at a church near us. He’s been posting some great videos of hymns and some writing he has been doing and the above video is just 2 minutes of “Grace Greater Than Our Sin.” It’s a wonderful hymn and I think you will be blessed by Greg’s playing and singing on this one. Here’s all the verses for you to read as well:

Marvelous grace of our loving Lord,
Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt!
Yonder on Calvary’s mount outpoured,
There where the blood of the Lamb was spilled.


Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that is greater than all our sin.

Sin and despair, like the sea waves cold,
Threaten the soul with infinite loss;
Grace that is greater, yes, grace untold,
Points to the refuge, the mighty cross.


Dark is the stain that we cannot hide.
What can avail to wash it away?
Look! There is flowing a crimson tide,
Brighter than snow you may be today.


Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace,
Freely bestowed on all who believe!
You that are longing to see His face,
Will you this moment His grace receive?


Christianity Quotes

Working Together for the Gospel

chan-multiplyIn his book Multiply, Francis Chan gives a great charge to every believer in regards to global missions. I read it this week and I think it’s worth your own consideration:

Once we start developing a passion for Christ’s glory to be seen around the world, we need to figure out what role we are called to play. Make no mistake, every Christian is called to be involved in spreading the gospel around the world! No one is off the hook. No one is called to a life that is separate from global missions. But this doesn’t mean that we all need to immediately start packing for the jungle.

God may well want you to take His gospel overseas. Too many Christians discount that possibility too quickly. Some people are too comfortable with their current lifestyle and would never dream of sacrificing their comfort for God’s glory. Others quickly assume that they are called to something else, something more normal. We shouldn’t make these assumptions. Have you ever genuinely told God that you would submit yourself to His will in this area? Right now, you should ask God if He wants you to pursue living in a different location for the sake of the gospel. It may be a terrifying thought, but we have to trust God more than we trust ourselves. We are here on this earth for His glory. God has blessed you so that you will use whatever He has given you for His glory,a not yours. Ultimately, we should expect God’s plan to lead us places that we wouldn’t naturally go.

You can read more and view videos at

Christianity Friends

The Hope of the Nations

TWR: Speaking Hope to the World from TWR on Vimeo.

Using technology to reach the lost is obviously not a new idea, but it’s something that I believe the church is still learning how to do, and how to do effectively. A classmate of ours from The Master’s College created the above video for the missions organization TWR (Trans World Radio) (who he and his wife also serve with). TWR’s desire is to use mass media to proclaim Christ to the nations and provide discipleship materials around the globe. This is exciting and if the work they’re doing is as good as that video, then I’m excited to see how God uses their ministry.

One of the ways that our family will serve with Josiah Venture is in the area of creative communications, which includes using mass media in creative ways to help support local churches and the ongoing ministry of JV in Central and Eastern Europe. God is raising up talented people around the globe to bring the gospel and provide materials to those who don’t have them. With the Internet, social media, video, radio, or whatever tools we have, we can continue to find new ways to communicate the Greatest Story ever told. We’re excited to help JV do just that and it’s always a joy to see this going on in other areas of the world as well.

P.S. One fun fact: the African man who narrates the video is a friend of ours named Peter. We were also classmates with him at The Master’s College and while he was in school we attended the same church. Peter is a man who loves Christ and it’s just a blessing to see his face and hear his voice on this video.

Christianity Friends

A Movement of God

Josiah Venture recently published this video profiling Mel & Amy Ellenwood who have been missionaries with JV for the past 15 years. Mel and Amy lead the “Bteam” which our family will be joining when we move to Czech Republic. The video is very well done and helps communicate the heart and vision of JV as well give a short look at the kind of families that are part of this huge movement of God in Central and Eastern Europe. Please take a minute and watch it.


For I Have More

I asked for the book The Best Poems of the English Language this past Christmas because I keep reading about how I should be reading more poetry. The book is a compilation of some of the best works of poetry “From Chaucer Through Robert Frost” and I’ve only picked it up a few times since December. A few nights ago I was finishing up some other reading and I saw my poetry book on the nightstand and said to myself, “There’s no better time than the present to start reading poetry,” so I dove in.

After looking at the appendix for some authors I recognized, John Donne seemed to stand out for some reason, so I began reading his poem “A Hymn to God the Father.” That’s when I realized I need to be reading more poetry. Poets have a way of saying things that make old truths new again. They can move the words in such a way that you begin to feel a certain way or see an old truth in a new light. That’s how I felt about Donne’s poem. It’s a poem about sin and I think it’s worth it for you to read. I’ve copied it below–enjoy.

Oh, one more thing. It just so happens that April is National Poetry Month. Reading this poem is not only helpful to your soul, but you can tell all your friends how cultured you are. You’re so cool–go you.

WILT Thou forgive that sin where I begun,
Which was my sin, though it were done before?
Wilt Thou forgive that sin, through which I run,
And do run still, though still I do deplore?
When Thou hast done, Thou hast not done,
For I have more.

Wilt Thou forgive that sin which I have won
Others to sin, and made my sin their door?
Wilt Thou forgive that sin which I did shun
A year or two, but wallowed in a score?
When Thou hast done, Thou hast not done,
For I have more.

I have a sin of fear, that when I have spun
My last thread, I shall perish on the shore ;
But swear by Thyself, that at my death Thy Son
Shall shine as he shines now, and heretofore ;
And having done that, Thou hast done ;
I fear no more.

Christianity Family

Easter and Traditions

As our kids get older we’re trying to figure out what kind of traditions we want to have. I didn’t really grow up doing an egg hunt for Easter, but it’s definitely something Bethany remembers doing. I’ve seen 8mm video of Bethany with her Sunday best on and her basket when she was little, so I know it’s something her family really enjoyed.

This year we did a little egg hunt with our kids, and of course we had them all dressed up from church. We painted eggs on Saturday and had some fun hiding (I use that term loosely) them in the grass. We also opened up “resurrection eggs” which tell the Biblical account of Christ’s death and resurrection. There are 10 eggs that have a Bible verse and a visual reminder inside (e.g. a little rock to represent the stone that covered the tomb). Our kids are still really young and it’s hard for them to sit still as I read the passages, but we want to make sure they know what we’re celebrating and why Easter is so special. It was a fun time and I really appreciate the work that Bethany puts into making it so special for us.

Here’s a video and a few photos from our egg hunt.

Easter 2013 from Shay on Vimeo.

Easter 2013
Titus and Avery with their baskets, ready to find some eggs!

Easter 2013
Avery gets down low to find a blue egg in the grass.

Easter 2013
Avery showing some excitement with an egg she found.

Easter 2013
Avery dropping an egg in her basket.

Easter 2013
This was our attempt at getting a smiling photo of the kids when we were all done. Didn’t quite work out.

Easter 2013
Finally, a tripod photo of our family. Avery is going for the “Czech smile” (aka: no smile) and Titus is trying to figure out why daddy strapped a little baby doll to the tripod. Good times!

Christianity Videos

Grace In Christian Growth

A book that I constantly talk about is Holiness By Grace written by Bryan Chapell. Honestly, I would say it’s in my top 5 favorite books. It has had such a great impact on my understanding of God’s grace and how it affects every aspect of my life (not to mention impacting the name of our family Web site). That’s why I got excited to see Bryan Chapell speaking on that very topic at the LIBERATE 2013 conference. They have made the video of the sermon available and it’s here for your your edification.

Liberate 2013 – Bryan Chapell from Coral Ridge | LIBERATE on Vimeo.


The True Adam

I took some time this week to read over the written debates between the late, renowned atheist Christopher Hitchens and Christian pastor Douglas Wilson that were published on Christianity Today back in 2007. The aim of the discussion was to answer the questions “Is Christianity Good For the World?” and the discussion is very thought-provoking and helpful for Christians as we engage atheists around the world. There are 6 parts to the entire debate, but the conclusion was given by pastor Wilson and is so saturated with grace and care, not to mention beautiful imagery of comparing Christ and Adam, that I thought it would be worth it to reproduce it here:

Jesus was not just one more character in history, however important—rather, he was and is the founder of a new history, a new humanity, a new way of being human. He was the last and true Adam. But before this new humanity in Christ could be established and begin its task of filling the earth, the old way of being human had to die. Before the meek could inherit the earth, the proud had to be evicted and sent away empty. That is the meaning of the Cross, the whole point of it. The Cross is God’s merciful provision that executes autonomous pride and exalts humility. The first Adam received the fruit of death and disobedience from Eve in a garden of life; the true Adam bestowed the fruit of his life and resurrection on Mary Magdalene in a garden of death, a cemetery. The first Adam was put into the death of deep sleep and his wife was taken from his side; the true Adam died on the cross, a spear was thrust into his side, and his bride came forth in blood and water. The first Adam disobeyed at a tree; the true Adam obeyed on a tree. And everything is necessarily different.

Christ told His followers to tell everybody about this—about how the world is being moved from the old humanity to the new way of being human. Not only has the world been born again, so must we be born again. The Lord told us specifically to preach this Good News to every creature. He has established his great but welcoming household, and there is room enough for you. Nothing you have ever said or done will be held against you. Everything will be washed and forgiven. There is simple food—bread and wine—on the table. The door is open, and we’ll leave the light on for you.

Read through the entire discussion here.


A Disciple-Making Culture

I really appreciate this article from the Gospel Coalition on how to “Grow a Disciple-Making Culture in Your Church“:

Jesus didn’t have in mind maverick disciple-makers; he had in mind a community of believers who, together and under the authority of the local church, seek to transfer the faith to the next generation.

There are some great questions that the church needs to be asking and that we as individuals need to be asking in regards to our disciple-making. Read the entire article here.