Christianity Quotes

Not What I Once Was

Though I am not what I ought to be, nor what I wish to be, nor what I hope to be, I can truly say that I am not what I once was, a slave to sin and Satan. And I can heartily join with the apostle and acknowledge that by the grace of God I am what I am.

– John Newton

via Of First Importance


On Youth Ministry

March 2013 Tabeltalk Magazine

A quote from Burk Parsons in the March 2013 Tabletalk magazine:

“The problem today is not so much that young people have consciously rejected ancient biblical values but that they have not been taught what they are, much less been trained in them.”

Later he adds,

“…we have neglected God’s call to train up the next generation of young people in the way they should go. If we are to redirect the current paths of young people, we must begin in the church by taking up the charge to come alongside younger men and women, and teach them the old, ancient values of God’s Word.”

Christianity Family Friends

Just What I Needed

It’s been a rough week. Our entire family has been sick with the flu (yes, the one you hear about on TV) and we even spent time in the ER with our daughter Avery because we weren’t sure if she was throwing up blood. By God’s grace, we don’t think that was the case, and she is doing fine….but it was still scary. As I’m writing I can hear our two-year old son coughing in our kids’ room and Bethany has been feeling nauseous tonight. Like I said, it’s been a rough week.


I sat down tonight to write some thank-yous to friends who are graciously supporting us in our ministry to Czech Republic. As I wrote my first one tears began to fill my eyes. I guess I was a little overwhelmed with God’s amazing grace and the sacrifice of our friends and family who are joining us in this ministry. Writing these little notes always reveals how God’s plan has come together in one way or another. One of these notes was to a family who were crucial in helping shape my thinking about missions. Another family are close friends of ours who we will miss greatly when God moves us. A few were to individuals who I have served in ministry with the past few years. These people are all people that God has used in our lives to shape us, help us, mold us, and encourage us. Isn’t that amazing?

We serve a big God. His ways are not my ways. He can see the entirety of my life in a single moment. He knows every person we will meet, every person will we do ministry with, and he knew that maybe one day He would use those people to send my family to another culture to tell people about His Son Jesus. He knew how important each relationship would be in shaping Bethany and I and how crucial these people would be in encouraging our hearts when we’re weak. He knew this week that I would need that kind of reminder and encouragement and for that I’m very thankful. It’s just what I needed.


Is Jesus Enough?

This 30 minute message from David Platt is worth every minute.


10 Chapters a Day

The Horner Bible Reading System

I don’t think I’ve ever made a New Year’s resolution. You always read around the new year about how resolutions never work and how people break them with a few weeks…yada, yada, yada. Well call it a resolution or whatever you want, but this year I decided to start Professor Horner’s Bible Reading System. Prof. Horner was actually one of my professor’s in college. He taught many of our English classes at The Master’s College and both Bethany and I took him for World Lit. We actually had the same class together while we were dating! But his Bible reading system pops up every year on blogs around the Internet as a legitimate reading program and now that I’m full engaged in it I can’t recommend it enough.

The basic idea is that you read 10 chapters in 10 different books of the Bible every day. If you look at the photo above you’ll see my book marks which hold my spot in all 10 different places. But instead of being a yearly Bible reading program, you actually finish the entire Bible in 8 months and while you read there are some books you will read multiple times. It might sound complicated, but it’s actually very simple–it’s just not what we’re used to.

In his notes on the reading system, Prof. Horner says that “you’ll realize you were starving yourself from God’s Word” and honestly I think that’s exactly what has happened to me and it’s only been 8 days. This system is no doubt intense and requires discipline, but it engages my mind in a way I never thought possible and the more you do it the easier it gets. By reading in many different books I’m seeing how my mind is trying to put the pieces together of God’s story. If you believe the Bible is one cohesive story, then this system makes sense. All the parts can start to come together and you can see the story of God just unravel–it’s mind blowing!

If you’re interested at all in starting this kind of system, I recommend going to Tim Challies blog and seeing his review of it. I think you will be blessed.

And one more side note about Prof. Horner: he’s also written what I believe is the best book on film and worldview out there for Christians. The book is called Meaning at the Movies: Becoming a Discerning Viewer and it will greatly challenge your heart as we think about art, film, and in general how to use our movie watching to the glory of God.

Christianity Quotes

Killing Sin

Not new methods, but only an understanding of how the Gospel works, can provide an adequate foundation and pattern for dealing with sin.

Read the whole article
for a great short study out of Colossians on mortifying or killing sin by Sinclair Furguson (via TableTalk magazine).

Christianity Videos

A Web Pioneer’s Wild Dream

For some of you a story about a computer guy starting a Web site might sound a little dull. But this isn’t just any story. This is the story of the man who had a vision of sharing with the world the preaching ministry of John Piper through a Web site that is today known as As of 2009, Desiring God was getting a million visits a month (which I’m sure has grown a lot in 3 years) and continues to provide almost limitless resources for free to the world. Our family has greatly benefited from their resources and we’re even currently reading a free e-book by John Piper on Advent which we have been enjoying. Watch the video below to hear about how Moe Bergeron helped start Desiring God’s Web ministry and provide resources the entire world.

One of the roles that I will take with Josiah Venture will be in the area of communications and more specifically trying to find innovative ways of using technology to reach people for Jesus Christ. In areas like Central and Eastern Europe the need for good resources and Bible training is great and the Internet continues to be a driving force to be able to get resources into people’s hands. The Church needs to continue to use these kinds of tools to spread the Good News and connect people in order to take the Gospel to every nation. Stories like Moe’s remind me that the Lord can and will use technology for His glory and I’m excited to see what the future holds.

Christianity Family Friends


Shane & Shane with Phil Wickham

Thanks to my roommate from college who invited us and the graciousness of his in-laws who watched our kids, Bethany and I had the unexpected blessing of attending the Shane & Shane Christmas Tour with Phil Wickham concert right here in our own town. We’ve been blessed by the music of Shane & Shane and Phil Wickham for a long time and seeing them live was a double blessing. The concert was Christ-centered and worshipful as we sang Christmas hymns and worship songs as loud as we could. I was brought to tears a few times during the show mainly because the music was beautiful and it was refreshing to have a focused time of singing with a thousand other people.

One of the blessings of being a Christian is that we sing. We sing in our homes, in our churches, and when we gather together. We are commanded to sing (Ephesians 5:19) and we do this as an expression of worship of our great and merciful God. God has given us the gift of music to a blessing to our souls and that’s exactly what it was for us last night. The final words we sang last night were perfect. To the melody of “O Come Let Us Adore Him” our hearts and voices sang loud:

We’ll give You all the glory
We’ll give You all the glory
We’ll give You all the glory
Christ the Lord



Steven Curtis Chapman - JoyIf there’s one thing that permeates our house around Christmas it’s music. Sure, we enjoy our egg nog and peppermint bark as much as the next person, but there’s just something fun about turning up some new or classic Christmas songs. Each year Bethany and I spend a couple bucks on one or two new albums and this year the favorite has to be Steven Curtis Chapman’s new Christmas album JOY.

It’s full of the classics like “Joy to the World”, “Do You Hear What I Hear,” and “What Child is This?” And he’s thrown in some fun ones like “Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow” which has a cool jazzy vibe to it. But what I think I appreciate most about Steven Curtis Chapman in general, and which comes out strong on this record is honesty. His song “Christmas Card” is written like a message to those who may be without the hope of Christ this year. In a season where we celebrate the birth of our Savior there are still many who don’t know Him. It’s an honest song with a clear message to Christians: people are broken, they need Jesus, and Steven reminds us why we’re celebrating: “So every lost and lonely broken heart would get found.”

Thank you Steven Curtis Chapman for reminding me that there’s still work to do. Let’s celebrate our Savior and then let’s tell everyone about why He came.

Christianity Family Personal

On a Friday

On Friday morning I got a voice mail from my dad at 7:00am. He said, “Call me back when you get a chance. Your grandmother died this morning.” Click.

For some of you, reading that last sentence might have you thinking, “oh man, sorry to hear that.” Well, thank you, but honestly I didn’t really know my mom’s mom. I spent a few sporadic days with her as a child and maybe have seen her only a handful of times since I was little. It’s just the nature of my family situation but I was never really close with any of my grandparents. I was the youngest of many kids and my grandparents have always lived a good distance from us. Obviously, I’m a little sad. Death is never something you can just balk at, or at least you shouldn’t.

This might sound weird, but I actually think about my dad dying a lot. Not because I want him to, of course, but because I know it’s going to happen some day. I think about his funeral and what I want to say. I think about how much of the family will be there and what I would want them to hear. I assume I’ll be able to speak at my dad’s funeral? Thinking about death is something we should do. For me, it keeps me “numbering my days” and “making the most of the time.” I don’t know why, I just think about it a lot. Even this afternoon I was playing with my 2-year old Titus and wondering what I would feel if God somehow took him. I would definitely be in pain, but because I know God is sovereign over everything I would hope that would keep my heart above water. I guess I just don’t want death to surprise me. I want to be ready, at all times, for death. It’s hard enough as it is to lose a friend or relative, so maybe by thinking about it more often I can try and minimize the hurt? I don’t know–I just know what goes through my head.

When I think about dying I realize that the individual days matter. What I’m doing right now at this very moment matters. It all adds up to the whole. I don’t want to get to the end of my life and think “man, I wish I would’ve ____________.” What is that? That kind of regret starts today somewhere. Whether it be spending time with my wife, kids, family or other things like reading the Bible more or working out to stay fit. I remember my friend in high school asking his mom if she was going to make it to our soccer game. She had a pretty intense job in the medical world. But she said, “Of course I will be. I won’t be at the end of my life thinking ‘wow, wish I would’ve worked more’. I’ll want to have spent more time with my family.” That’s making the individual days count–that’s thinking long term.