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Category: Photography
Any post containing mainly photos or having to do with my photography.
Hey D.J., Keep Playing That Song
I sometimes forget how much fun photography is. It’s really easy to get caught up in the latest trends, the great photographers out there, blogs, equipment, etc. and then just simply forget the part about having fun. After I took the above photo I laughed out loud. It was one of those moments where I thought, “I love it!” It doesn’t always happen like that, but apparently it’s the little things in life that really get me going.
I shot this wedding at Shutters on the Beach in Santa Monica and I was second shooting (assisting) Jen O’Sullivan. I realized later that it was 6 years ago this month that Jen offered me a job shooting for her… geeze, time flies. Here’s a link to a few more photos from the wedding.
Titus and Leaves
Back By Popular Demand
Tire Swing
©2011 Shay Thomason. A little girl swings on a tire at a backyard wedding reception in LaPorte, Colorado.
Believe it or not, I wasn’t shooting a wedding when I captured this. I was actually in a wedding as a groomsman for my best-friend Zach, and this girl happens to be one of the pastor’s daughters. They had a backyard wedding reception and there was a tire swing in the very back that the little girl’s were playing on. I couldn’t resist once I saw what they were doing so I grabbed my camera and ran back there. I took about 3 photos and got this one. I was stoked.
Titus Tub
Found our son playing in the tub with all of his bath toys–sans water and pants.
Titus + Us
Titus Is One
I think I’ve been a little inspired lately by Jeff Bridges panoramic photos, because for no reason at all I took a bunch of panoramics while we were in Hawaii two weeks ago. And by “a bunch”, I really mean four. Most of these are straight out of the camera, and just stitched together in Photoshop. I’ve added descriptions below each image, and if you want to see the image larger you can just click the photo which will redirect you to my Flickr.
This is in Hananuma Baby. I love the couple in the bottom left getting the classic tourist shot. Everyone in our car was cracking up because the woman kept changing her poses. And we all know it’s the pose that counts.
This was just beyond Hanauma Bay. Absolutely stunning to see how blue the water was and to feel the warm wind coming off the water. The power of the waves crashing against the rocks was amazing.
This is Pearl Harbor. I shot this from the USS Arizona Memorial center that is across the water from the actual sunken ship. I love American history and this is a must see for any one interested in the subject. Somber place, but the beginning of a long and necessary war. If you look closely, the USS Arizona Memorial is just left of the middle of the image, on the water line (it’s the little white building on the water).
Last but not least, Waikīkī. The famous beach is just as beautiful as people had described it and Bethany and I enjoyed some Starbucks and walked along the water. This particular shot has about 15 photos from left to right.
It’s our first day in Hawaii and we’re having a great time hanging at our friend’s place right here in Oahu. I’ve never been to Hawaii before and one thing I’m realizing is that no one has ever really told me how this place smells. It’s fantastic. So clean, so fresh, and kind of sweet smelling.
Alright, here’s some photos from the first part of our day today. It’s only 3:50pm right now so there’s plenty of time left for more shots, so hopefully more to come. Photo captions are below each shot.
Here’s our legit, REAL leis that Megan greeted us with at the airport. The smell nice, and they make the whole room smell good. Bethany’s is on the left and mine is on the right.
Just a quick shot of Bethany and Titus, my two favorite people.
Family shot. Apparently Titus thought Hawaii was more interesting than this photo.
I just love his big blue eyes.
A shot of our friend’s daughter. She’s fun.
Our friend’s son with his “Automoblox”. They’re like the legos of cars or something. I’m way too stupid to understand it.