Overall it’s been a really encouraging week. Many people have sent us kind words via email and social media in regards to our baby gender announcement (if you missed that post be sure and go check it out). Bethany and I have been working harder on reviewing our Czech language cards and I’m just encouraged by our daily progress.
Normally we have language lessons on Wednesday mornings, but Avery woke up in the middle of the night and threw up in her bed (my apologies to any weak stomach readers). Our teacher has a young boy who has just gotten over some sickness so we didn’t want to take Avery to her house and now we’re scheduled to have lessons on Friday. Avery has been sick most of the day with a runny nose and cough, but it doesn’t look like any of us have it yet. I assume it’s just a little cold and that Titus won’t be far behind her, but you never really know with kids and sickness.
Speaking of Titus, I walked him to school this morning while it was snowing and it hit me just how different his childhood already is compared to mine. Not once in my life did I ever walk to school in the snow. In fact, I don’t believe I ever even walked to school! And the one time I remember it snowing while I was at school, my mom picked us up early and drove us home because she was worried about driving in it. Titus, however, is walking in the snow and we do our morning ritual of getting him dressed in all of his layers. In the photo above, he’s wearing a snow suit, sweatshirt, jacket, long johns, and that fancy hat with ear covers. It’s such a different life than mine was, but I’m glad he’s getting to experience something I never did. In my mind, it keeps it interesting.
Bethany made banana bread this week and it sounds like we’re going to try banana bread french toast tomorrow. It’s a first for us, but we heard about it the other day and thought it was a fun idea. With that to look forward to, I think I’ll hit the hay. Thank you for reading and being such an encouragement to me and my family. We are so blessed by many of you.