Lieutenant "Mike" Hunter, Army pilot assigned to Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif. (LOC), originally uploaded by The Library of Congress.
I was so stoked about this that I had to tell everyone!
The Library of Congress and Flickr have teamed up to release some 3,000+ photos from their collection! The photos are available to see and comment on at http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/ .
I’m flippin’ stoked.
Read more about it here and here.
P.S. I love old planes!
One reply on “Flickr + Library of Congress = Awesome Photography”
[…] I mentioned over a year ago about how the Library of Congress (LOC) was putting some of their photo collection online via Flickr and that it was probably one of the coolest things the U.S. government had done in a while. Well I went exploring some more today and found that they haven’t stopped with Flickr. As of today, I found official LOC operated sites on Flickr, Twitter, and YouTube — not to mention their ridiculously cool blog. Below are some screen shots and links of a few notable items I found from our friends in Washington. Funny thing — I always thought librarians were supposed to be mean and “shhhh” you all the time, but it seems like the LOC is doing quite the opposite: […]