
On a Valentine’s Day

A Drive to the Snow
A Drive To The Snow


A Meal With Friends
A Meal With Friends


Random iPhone Photos

Over the course of the past year I’ve taken a handful of photos on my iPhone. I never look at them, and therefore rarely share them, but as I was looking over all my images in the past year I started to laugh at myself. I guess if there was a way to visualize what goes on in my brain, it might look a little something like this:

One of the first photos with my iPhone

Shot this while flying to Tulsa to shoot a wedding–I flew a lot in 2008

One of my favorite things I saw in 2008
[license blurred to protect the legalist, I mean innocent]
Home Improvement

A little blurry, but I spent some time at the dentist

What I get to see every single day
The Wifey

I’m taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall

Apple? (out of ketchup)


A brand-new family oriented, environment awareness site called just launched and I wanted everyone to know about it. I was hired to do most of the photography for the site design elements and “pictures” section. They have a ton of great info on there and fun things for families to do together.

Feel free to go over there and check it out:


Kentucky In Photos (with commentary)

As I stated in my previous post, I just got back from six days in Kentucky visiting my parents. I figured these photos would help give greater understanding to my time there (my commentary can be found below every photo):

Swim Swan
We visited many state parks in Kentucky and just spent some time walking three of my parent’s Chihuahua’s. One such park had these beautiful swan who were quite “majestic” as my dad called them and I spent a few minutes trying to capture their beauty. I think we counted a total of 17 or 18 of them just relaxing on the water.

The Wifey and the Chihuahuas
That’s Bethany and the Chihuahua’s I mentioned before. She held Gemi (far right, prounounced “Jemy”) while I took this shot. We really wanted to bring Jeter (far left) home with us, but we couldn’t figure out how to justify the “no dog” policy at our apartment building. But let’s just say that we’re in the market for a new apartment…one, say…dog friendly? Oh, and that’s Sadie in the middle–she is the “terror” as my dad says.

Saftey Belt or Buckle Up
Yes–that’s a belt either keeping the hood down or the bumper on. I’m not exactly sure which, but I am sure that I’ve never seen this kind of rigging before. Could even be a rival to duct tape?

Red-Tailed Hawk
This “immature red-tailed hawk” let me get pretty darn close before finally flying away. I’m not a bird connoisseur, so I joined a local Kentucky bird-watching forum online and they were able to help me figure out what exactly I photographed. Oh man, those bird watchers are hard core….but very helpful!

Dead Things That Have Life
Even dead things can have beauty.

C'mon Earl, You're in Our Lane!
Tractor in our lane, town water tower, and a two-lane road–if this doesn’t scream “Kentucky” then I don’t what does.

Here’s a shot of my dad that I just kept coming back to. Bethany and I actually got him that hoodie for Christmas and he wore it the whole time we were there. In some ways this shot doesn’t really portray who my dad is, but at the same time it’s exactly who he is.

I was sitting on the couch when I captured this moment of my mom. I don’t always know what’s going in her mind and I feel like that’s kind of why I took this shot. This is sort of her life in Kentucky: in her chair, in her home, just thinking about the day.

God's Creation
The sun began to set as we were walking around the John James Audouban State Park. Really this is the result of being in the right place at the right time, and furthermore, I can’t take credit for the beauty that God created here.

Broken and Beautiful
An old outhouse type building was the only thing we found in this small park near my parents home. This particular evening it was cloudy and I thought the clouds added a whole new element to this photo.

A Kentucky Sunset
Finally, I am leaving you with this photo which is probably my favorite of the bunch. This was shot about 10 minutes after sunset and that’s when the sky really started to show-off, so to speak. I just loved the way the clouds are leading us into the end of something, but we can’t quite see it because of the trees which act as a skyline of sorts. Again, how could I even take credit for such beauty? It reminds me of the hymn:
This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world: I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
His hand the wonders wrought.

“This Is My Father’s World” Maltbie Babcock, 1901


Let’s Turn This Place Over

Let’s Turn This Place Over, originally uploaded by shaycam.

Got this shot over the weekend, thought I’d share it with you.

Ok ok, this one too! (for balance I guess)
Tractor Time!


A Walk in the Park

A Walk in the Park, originally uploaded by shaycam.

I spent my Saturday assisting photographer and friend Jen O’Sullivan on a wedding in our area. The bride and groom were both a joy to be with and we had a great time with them. It was bit stormy out on Saturday, but that didn’t stop us from taking the bride and groom out for a little “walk in the park” so to speak.

Getting married or know someone who is? Send em’ my way! [shaymless self promotion]

Christianity Friends Photography


As Big As You, originally uploaded by shaycam.

I took this photo last night of a friends brand new baby. It is the hand of a one-day-old child holding his father’s index finger.

Sometimes the photos I take can say more than I can write. It’s not that I think I’m some kind of amazing photographer, but sometimes God allows me to see something that makes me speechless. This is one of those times…



Evacuate This Place Quick!, originally uploaded by shaycam.

The good people at approached me this week about using one of my photos for an article they were doing on Washington D.C. As most young, aspiring photographers would, I gave them permission and they were kind enough to send a link back to me.

Here’s a link to the article if you want to check it out or are planning on moving to D.C. anytime soon. Apparently, it’s ranked 7th in the U.S. as one of the most “walkable” cities.

Here’s a link to the photoset of my trip to Washington D.C. last year.


Ventura: A Weekend Away [in photos]

Bethany and I got away for the Fourth of July weekend. It was such a blessing to be out of the super hot valley we live in and get in to the cool ocean air. We dig Ventura, so here’s a few photos from our weekend away:
Just an old marquee sign that’s sitting in an empty lot. I thought it was neat.

Kayaks waiting to hit the ocean.

Bethany takes her photography even more serious than I do… hehe

aahh.. the Pacific Ocean–we love you.

“I never saw the sign officer.”

The water was hitting the rocks we were standing on–it was radical.

Just some plain ol’ driftwood.

Here’s Bethany cruising around on the bike we rented. She’s so nice.

I was cruising around on my new longboard. I definitely put the miles on that bad boy!

Finally, Bethany and me waiting for the fireworks. Our American flags were a good touch… “USA! USA! USA!”

Christianity Hear, See, and Do Photography

Hear, See, and Do – #1

If there’s one thing I love, it’s everything. Seriously though, there are a ton of things that I think are amazing. For instance, TiVo. I think TiVo is ridiculously awesome. The fact that I can be at work and it can record the EuroCup 2008 soccer matches for me–unbelievable. By the way, if you didn’t catch the German vs. Turkey semi-final game–you missed out.

I thought I would try a sort of different blog post today–something for your senses. I’m calling it “Hear, See, Do” and I’m borrowing the concept from Newsweek. I’m a subscriber to the weekly publication Newsweek and every week they have this little side bar of things they think we should read, buy, see, etc., and I thought it would be fun to give you my picks for this week. I don’t know if I can pull this off every week, but we’ll see how it goes. Now on to the list!

Hear: Coldplay – Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends
This fourth full length album from Coldplay is ridiculously good. Many longtime listeners of Coldplay aren’t impressed, but let me tell you I’m stoked on it. They describe themselves as “soft-hitting rock and roll” and that’s exactly what this album is. It’s just got a good vibe to it. I’d say it’s great for driving or running–not because it’s fast, but because it moves. It’s a little hard to explain, but just get yourself a copy (a legal copy).

See: Chicago – A ridiculously awesome photo gallery
Everyone that reads my blog knows I love photography. Whether it be still life, weddings, or whatever, I’m digging beautiful images. So when I came across this photo gallery of “outtake” images from the Chicago Tribune I wanted to book the flights and go see if Oprah wanted to do lunch with Bethany and me. Honestly, these 83 photos of Chicago during all seasons of the year are inspiring and definitely worth a look (and make sure and read all the lovely captions!).

Do: Buy a Long board (for the streets)
My wife bought me a long board for my birthday a few weeks ago and I’ve been cruising around town and lovin’ life. In fact, if you’re on Twitter you may have seen my update last week as I was skating from Starbucks back to our apartment. Let’s just say, I might get rid of my car.

That’s all for this week–enjoy.