365 Czech Republic

Conference Day 3 and Some Familiar Faces

Conference Day 3 (9/24/14)

Today was the third full day of the fall conference. At one point I had a Czech leader come up to me and say “Ciao” and we began to talk. I think he and I had met a while back, but I couldn’t remember his name. He told me he wanted to meet some time for coffee and just talk and share about what we’re doing. It was a short conversation, but I left smiling. During that moment I realized how much fun it was to be around so many different people from around Europe. These are men and women who love Jesus want to see Him glorified. They want to see more disciples of Jesus and they want those disciples to make more disciples who make more disciples…mature disciples. It’s fun to serve them and use whatever gifts I have to support their work and ministries.

Conference Day 3 (9/24/14)

This evening I had one of the best surprises of my day. I had the chance to see my friends, Scott and Patty Ardavanis (above is a photo of them standing with Dave Patty, the president of JV). Scott is on the board of directors for Josiah Venture and he and the board are having meetings this weekend. Since Josiah Venture was already have a conference and will be having a 20th anniversary celebration tomorrow night, the board is here in Czech to have their meeting. Although I only saw them for a few minutes, I could’ve cried seeing them. Patty said to me, “You live here now!” It’s a lot of emotions thinking about how much she and Scott have influenced me and my family, and how God used them as instruments in leading us even to Czech Republic. We are supposed to spend time with them tomorrow night and I just can’t wait. Bethany will be coming out to the conference tomorrow too and we are all going to be spending some time together.

My days at the conference are really full and I’m only seeing Bethany and the kids for a few minutes in the morning, and Bethany late at night (like tonight). Tomorrow is the last full day of conference we’ll have a half day on Friday. I’m looking forward to finishing the week strong and hoping the many leaders who are being trained will leave equipped for more fruitful ministry.

365 Czech Republic

Full Day, Full Hearts

A Day To Remember (9/6/14)

We drove to a nearby town called Třinec to meet with the headmaster of a local preschool today. Somehow Natalija got Bethany’s phone number and connected with us this past week to have us over to her house. Her desire was to meet our family and talk to Bethany about helping out after school by teaching English to kindergartners. She was a very sweet woman who has two grown boys, one who is 22 and the other 19. We spent the afternoon with her and her oldest son, Daniel, and enjoyed tea and a wonderful Czech pastry called Bábovka (pronounced “BAH-BOVE-KUH) outside in their garden. Above is a a photo of Avery holding a tiny plumb which we picked from her true. In the left photo is a wheelbarrow full of them. Natalija’s husband actually baked the Bábovka for us and she told us that the recipe was at least “a few hundred years old.” Below is a photo of this delectable treat.

A Day To Remember (9/6/14)

A Day To Remember (9/6/14)

Natalija is actually Russian but moved to Czech about twenty years ago. She speaks great English, Russian, Czech, and even a little Italian. High energy would be one way to describe her, but that might even be an understatement. We were given a full tour of her three story house which is currently under construction. At one point she showed us a little cabinet with some Russian items she owns. One item in particular is from the fifteenth century! She inherited it from her grandmother or something, along with some old books that date from around the same time. My mind has a hard time fathoming that kind of history and it’s just sitting in a display case in a family’s house in Czech. Below are some photos of the display case and her dining area which she told us was decorated with things she bought solely in Hungary.

A Day To Remember (9/6/14)

A Day To Remember (9/6/14)

At one point during our tea time Natalija asked what we do. After explaining that we were missionaries and telling her about Josiah Venture and our ministry she told us that she grew up Russian Orthodox and that her mom is actually a nun. She started telling us funny stories about her mom who was once a very wealthy woman in Russia but left it all to be a nun. But as the conversation continued she expressed her fear of Muslims and asked us what we thought. Bethany and I did our best to clarify what the difference between Christians and Muslims. We also talked about the political system that Muslims desire and that’s when Daniel, her son, piped up. “I’m an atheist and I’ve read the Bible a little bit,” he said, “but I see the God of the Bible telling people to kill their kids just like Muslims kill people.” A bit startled, I said, “You mean like Isaac and Abraham?” And Bethany asked, “Or do you mean like stoning disobedient kids in the Old Testament.” He said, “Yes,” but I wasn’t sure to which question. He ended up telling us that he thought Muslims were just an archaic society and that the modern society is just more advanced than them.  “Wow”, I thought to myself.

Knowing it was an opportunity to talk about Christ Bethany and I just began to share with them Christ and grace. Bethany talked about not being able to earn your salvation and that there’s nothing you can do to work your way to God, in stark contrast to the Koran. I encouraged Daniel to read the gospels and look at what Christ did. Amazingly, and this hard to express, but amazingly, there was no dissension at the table. No one was angry or upset and we just kept right on talking. Within an hour of arriving we were talking about Christ and honestly I wasn’t even sure that I wanted to go when I woke up today. Natalija and Daniel didn’t bow the knee to Jesus today, but maybe we were the first people to talk to them about Christ? Maybe, just maybe, we’ll get more opportunities to share Jesus with them again. We have open door now and we’ve been invited back and would love to keep this relationship going. We prayed for them today and tonight and would covet your prayers as we pursue them.

A Day To Remember (9/6/14)

Immediately after leaving Natalija’s house we went to a birthday part for Titus’ friend, Beni, who turned five. Beni is the son of Casey and Kristin who are missionaries with JV as well. We had a wonderful time there and even went in their pool for a while. They had a home made piñata and even played a “pin the tail on the donkey” type game, all with an Iron Man theme. Even though Titus and Avery had skipped naps and were pretty tired from the morning, they did pretty well. And believe it or not, this wasn’t our last stop of the day.

A Day To Remember (9/6/14)

A Day To Remember (9/6/14)

From Beni’s party we went straight to our church’s youth group meeting that started at 5:00pm. We have wanted to go for a few weeks now but tonight was our first time. Without question we had a great time. Titus and Avery did really well all things considered and we just had a really fun time with the students tonight. For me, this was the piece I think I’ve been missing most which is just spending time with young people. Czech students are so sweet and friendly, and many of them speak English. We played games with them, laughed with them, and from what I could tell we were the only married couple there. Below is a photo during one of the games where you had to run down the middle of this tunnel thing and below that is a video of the boys being boys.

A Day To Remember (9/6/14)

The whole youth group meeting was very similar, if not identical to what you would fine in the States. The format of the whole night was similar with games, message, music, and announcements. There was at least forty students there tonight and I was talked with some of them it sounds like a few our from different towns as far as twenty minutes away. Even though we had a very full day, I really felt like we needed to be there and my heart was encouraged by these young people. God is truly moving among the youth in Czech!

A Day To Remember (9/6/14)

Ah! So many emotions are hitting me tonight, but I am just sitting here in awe of God’s hand on our family. It was so fun to do ministry together today. From spending time with unbelievers, friends, and then our church’s youth we have had a full and joyful day. We learned a ton today and I believe it will only deepen our faith. I am thankful to my Savior for pulling the scales from my eyes and showing me Christ. Those same scales currently blind people like Daniel, Natalija, and no doubt some of the young people at church tonight. Oh that Christ would open their eyes! This is our prayer on this full day. To Him be the glory.

365 Czech Republic

Scratch That

Scratch that. Never mind. Just kidding. I guess Titus isn’t starting school on Monday.

This morning Bethany called me because she had just gotten of the phone with someone about Titus’ preschool. The school actually had to rescind their offer of a open spot for Titus because of a strange law in the Czech school system. Another boy who needs to go into primary school (aka first grade) had to take the spot that Titus was filling because he needs at least one year of preschool before he can move up. Or at least that’s how I understood it at this point. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of this story was…you know, lost in translation. Honestly though, I don’t know if I was ready quite yet for Titus to start school. I had come to terms with it and we really feel like him starting will be a huge ministry for us with other kids and families, but it all did feel really rushed so we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. There’s actually still a chance another spot could open up so we’ll just take it one day at a time.


You may be wondering why there’s a photo of a microphone above. That’s from today at the Josiah Venture offices where our team was working recording a voiceover for a video we’re working on. For me it’s really interesting how God uses all of the things I’ve learned in my life to do the work I’m doing here in Czech. There was a time in my life where I did live sound and have done a little recording and now I’m having to pull some of those skills back out of my mental junk drawer. We got a really good recording today and I look forward to finishing the video with my teammate Daniel. I believe it will bless many and be a testimony to what God is doing over here with Josiah Venture.

Nevermind (8/28/14)

Bethany and the kids had a little picnic today in the square since the weather was nicer today. They ended up seeing our friend Kristin and her son Beni too so they played for a bit. Bethany tells me that Avery was picking leaves for me. Here’s a few photos from their afternoon, including one of the church from a different angle than we usually post.

Nevermind (8/28/14)

Nevermind (8/28/14)

Tonight we had a bunch of friends over for dinner that live in our town. It’s nice to be encouraged by each other and of course let our kids play together. The boys and Avery had fun playing outside and then playing the Wii inside. Bethany made a delicious soup and we had a nice fruit crumble for dessert. God has blessed us greatly with friends and teammates near us to support and encourage each other. I do believe this is an answer to prayer from our faithful supporters and of course a testament to God’s amazing grace in our lives. Psalm 118:28-29 says it this way, “You are my God, and I will give thanks to you; you are my God; I will extol you. Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!”


365 Czech Republic

Third Time’s The Charm

3rd Trip to Bratislava (8/15/14)

It’s 1:11am. Normally I would write this after dinner, but tonight we had some guests over to watch a little Dodgers baseball on the TV. Bethany got me an subscription when we moved over here because she knows how much I love the Dodgers. Basically, when they are playing a day game on the east coast we can watch it live at a reasonable time, so tonight we had Zach and Kara Zegan over which was a lot of fun.

Today we went on our 3rd trip to Bratislava, Slovakia to pick up the kids’ visas. Praise God, they are in and we’re all set with all four of our visas! This is such good news and even though we had a couple hiccups in the process we’re hopeful that by early next week we’ll be set with our 6-month visas. This will allow us to get 2-year visas at the beginning of 2015 and we won’t have to go back to Bratislava (Lord willing) for that process.

Of course we couldn’t go down to Bratislava without getting a few photos so enjoy…I’m off to bed.

3rd Trip to Bratislava (8/15/14)

3rd Trip to Bratislava (8/15/14)

3rd Trip to Bratislava (8/15/14)

3rd Trip to Bratislava (8/15/14)

3rd Trip to Bratislava (8/15/14)

365 Czech Republic

Making Progress on Sunday

Progress on Sunday (8/10/14)

We’ve already shared before that Sundays in church have been tough with the kids. The summer months are especially hard in Czech because our church (photo above) doesn’t have Sunday school for the kids so we’re taking them to the main two hour service. We do our best to have them draw in a coloring book or even (yes, I’ll admit) play a game or two on the iPhone so as not to distract the service. In that past weeks we have ended up outside at some point just because they weren’t staying quiet enough to not disrupt the service. Today, by God’s amazing grace, was the first week we didn’t go outside! Friends have already told us they are praying for this and we saw that prayer answered today. It wasn’t perfect and there were moment’s of frustration, but the kids stayed the entire two hours and we definitely praise God for this little victory. After church we let the kids play in the church yard for a little bit and the photo below is of Avery and Titus walking around with huge branches. Avery’s face kills me in this photo.

Progress on Sunday (8/10/14)

Since we had Jonny with us at church we treated him to a pizza lunch in our time. I ordered three pizzas thinking they were small but they ended up being much bigger than I thought. Providentially our friend Rachael happened to be walking home from church and saw us eating so we asked her to join us and help us eat some of our extra slices. What’s amazing is we were able to feed six people for $24 and that included water (which you have to pay for) and a Czech favorite, Kofola soda. Not a bad deal!

Progress on Sunday (8/10/14)

This afternoon I drove Jonny over to the train station in Ostrava where he was catching his train to Prague. He and three of his friends are headed to Norway for six days to enjoy some camping and European exploration. While I at the station I saw another JV missionary, Jonathan Rosen, and he asked if I wanted to grab a quick cup of coffee before heading back home. I agreed and off we went to a little coffee shop in downtown Ostrava. Jonathan was actually the intern leader at the very first camp Bethany and I served at in 2012 so it was fun to catch up with him and see how ministry was going. He introduced me to a great little coffee shop and hopefully I’ll get a chance to take Bethany there some time.

Progress on Sunday (8/10/14)

At church this morning we were invited by a young Czech couple to hang at a river side park around 4pm. Because of my coffee with Jonathan I made us a little late to the park and it was a new park to us (one we hadn’t been to before) and we just couldn’t find the couple when we arrived. I was bummed, especially since it was really my fault we didn’t make it there by 4pm. Bethany wrote them on Facebook to apologize and hopefully reschedule and we literally just got a message back a few minutes ago saying that we actually didn’t miss them, but that we just didn’t walk far enough on the path to another park along the river. There are a lot of different parks along the river path but we just didn’t need to head further down…bummer. They said they’ll most likely be back there next week to so hopefully we can catch up then. That couple is due with their first child in just three weeks and it would be really fun to get to know them and catch up with them before the busyness of having a baby.

The little trip to the park wasn’t all bad because the kids got a little time to play and swing at the park we did find. We didn’t stay long because we needed to hit the grocery store and make dinner at home so off we went to the local Tesco. Bethany made another great dinner and we immediately did bath time with the kids when we were finished eating. We’re trying hard to get back into a rhythm with bed times and routines and it’s so nice to have a more settled home to do that.

Progress on Sunday (8/10/14)

It’s been a great past few days and Bethany commented tonight how much fun it’s been having so many different people in our home of late. In fact, both of us our a little worried we might start getting lonely here come fall because there’s just no one left to come and stay with us! I guess that’s just another reason to dive in and get to know the many people here, Czechs and other missionaries, and continue to build relationships right where we are. That’s really one of the main reasons we’re here and Lord willing we’ll be able to do just that in the months and weeks to come.

365 Czech Republic Friends

Uncle Jonny and a Backyard Bash

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

In the ongoing series of people coming to see us in Czech, our good friend Jonny Ardavanis spent the day with us and is spending the night tonight! Jonny came early today and we were able to get his clothes washed and ready or his departure on Monday. He has been working as an intern with Josiah Venture this summer here in Czech and his last camp ended this week so he had a little time to come for a visit. On Monday he’s headed off to Norway with a few awesome guys to take in the site and enjoy a little more of Europe. I love his passion, his love for Christ, and his humor. Jonny is a ton of fun to be around and we’ve known him since he was in junior high. To have him in our home today has been such a joy and a blessing to us.

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

This evening we had been invited to a team get together at he Brian and Aleisha Stephens house. Since our entire team is now in Czech, the Stephens thought it would be fun to get everyone together for a fun hangout and that’s exactly what it was. I took my camera along and grabbed a bunch of shots. Here’s a lot of what we did in photos and video.

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Backyard Bash (8/9/14)

Shortly after that last photo the thunder clouds rolled into town and the rain came fast. We all quickly put toys and things away and headed for the house. Everyone that can play an instrument brought them so we had a little impromptu worship and singing time together while the rain, lightning, and thunder came through. It was a fun night and definitely a great time having the team all together. Thanks to the Stephens family for having us over!

365 Czech Republic

A Refreshing Day

Today was unexpectedly refreshing. Even though it was a pretty foggy, rainy, and physically darker day, the Lord reminded me of why we’re here.

It’s been a pretty full week at the JV office as we have a lot of new projects rolling and the new created team that I’m part of is just really starting to understand how to work in a new place with new people. I’ve been helping organize different projects, working on some graphic design for the training center/hotel and now I have my hand in a few other things as well. After leaving a meeting this afternoon I returned to the Creative Communications (cTeam) office where our video guys and Dave Patty were sitting, watching interviews of young people from this summer’s camp ministry. Although I had other things I was working on it was impossible to continue to work as I could hear the amazing stories of changed lives in the background. Finally, I stood up and began to watch them myself over the shoulders of the others guys.

The Last Day of July (7/31/14)

My eyes began to tear up as I listened. “All I want to do is tell everyone about Jesus” said one young man. “Jesus changed my life. Now I have a Bible and I’m going to read it” said another student. One after another, story after story, of young people at camps who have come to grips with their sin, repented, and are seeing the Savior for the first time. Then I got a phone call.

The Last Day of July (7/31/14)

Our Czech friend Katka called me because she is helping us with some details regarding our visas and when she was finished asking me a few questions she said, “Do you have a minute? I have to tell you about this guy who got saved at camp last night.” “Sure!” I replied. Katka began to share how she had been praying for this young man for three years but admitted that she thought he was pretty hard hearted and hung out with the wrong crowd. But last night, during the “gospel night” this young man bowed his knee to the Savior. Katka shared that he even woke up this morning and told his cabin leader that “I feel like a new man. I read the Bible you gave me and it talked about the Jesus that saved me!” Wow. “That’s amazing, Katka!” I said, trying to keep my emotions in check on the phone. If that doesn’t refresh your soul, I don’t know what will!

It’s stories like that young man that our team gets to communicate. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to share on the blog some of the amazing video our team captured and for you to see first hand how God is radically moving in this part of the world. Not everything about graphic design, videography, and media work is easy or even fun. But today in the office I think we all had a wonderful reminder of why we’re here and how God is using the ministry of JV alongside local churches to see young people come to Christ!

Saying Good (7/31/14)

Tonight we had plans to hang out at a friend’s house but our plans changed late in the day and we ended up throwing together a dinner at home. I believe this was Divine because it gave us the opportunity to spend one more night with Lindsey and Kailey who have been staying with us the past few days. Tomorrow morning they leave on an early train for Prague and then on to Frankfurt to visit their family. They have blessed us greatly the past few days and have been such an encouragement to us. Our kids love “the girls” as we took the above photo tonight before the kids went to bed.

Lindsey has plans to return to Slovakia next year and continue ministry there. Kailey is definitely leaning that direction, but needs to finish college and see what the Lord would have. Please pray for them as they travel the next few days and definitely pray for their future. Our hope and prayer is that God would continue to use them and maybe one day they’ll both be back in this part of the world serving full-time!

365 Czech Republic Friends

Visitors From Slovakifornia

Slovakifornia is not a real place, but it’s the best way to describe where our wonderful visitors came from today. Kailey and Lindsey Richardson are two young ladies that we have known for a long time from our home church in California. They have been serving in an English camp ministry in Slovakia for the past month and today they took the train to come stay with us! Catching up with them today and hearing their stories was such a blessing. Actually, the Lord has done incredible things in their lives and they are documenting some pretty great stories on their own blog so definitely check it out.

Visitors (7/29/14)

It’s absolutely incredible to me that they are in our place in the Czech Republic right now. They rode on the train for more than 5 hours this morning and although they had a few different connections they made it here without much of a hassle. Bethany literally walked over to the train station to meet them and they all walked back to our apartment.

Tonight at the dinner table it was just a blessing to hear about their ministry in Slovakia and how God has been working in the towns they are serving in. These girls have a passion for Christ and the gospel and I’m sure they will see much fruit from their time there. They may be staying with us a few days and then eventually head over to Germany where their uncle serves as a missionary.

One of the neat things they are doing is reading their late mother’s diary who also did some traveling through Europe thirty years ago with one of her friends. I believe they are trying to visit some of the same places she did when she was young and read her thoughts along the way. They shared that often they laugh at some of the things their mom wrote. Karen (their mom) was a special women who loved Christ and we were blessed to know her. These girls definitely have a lot of their mom’s heart in them and talking with them tonight was such a joy to our own souls. What a joy to have see some familiar faces in a place that still feels so unfamiliar.

365 Czech Republic

Hanging With Zach and Kara

We had a pretty full morning today complete with Czech lessons and a trip over to the bank to sign what must have been at least a dozen documents. Our lessons went really well, but it’s a constant reminder that we need to study our notes daily and just keep up on our Czech vocabulary. It’s not any easy language and I feel like even though were just scratching the surface I’m starting to feel fatigue.

Tonight Zach and Kara invited us over for dinner at their house in Havířov which is about 20 minutes from our place. I’ve known Zach since the 4th grade and his family is near and dear to my heart. Zach and Kara have been here full-time in Czech for almost 2 years now, but Kara has been living in Czech much longer and Zach has served on many other short-term trips. We had a great time seeing their place for the first time and just catching up. They served us an “American dinner” (cheeseburgers!), complete with real American cheese. After being here for a month I can tell you that American cheese is not easy to find!

Zach and Kara (7/25/14)

After dinner we took a walk down to a nearby park (just like we did yesterday). It’s seems to be a normal and fun thing to do after dinner, especially since it’s usually a little cooler outside than inside. Unfortunately the mosquitos were out in droves and that cut our time a little short, but that didn’t stop the kids from checking out yet another amazing park.

Zach and Kara (7/25/14)

While we were outside we stopped in a town square type area near Zach and Kara’s place. They saw some young people that they knew so we met and talked with them for a bit. But in that square is a large metal arrow shaped thing above a fountain that swings. I just thought it was an art piece and a fountain, but Kara told us that there used to be a statue of Vladimir Lenin in that square and it was replaced with this crazy arrow thing.

Zach and Kara (7/25/14)

We stayed a little later than we should have because the kids needed to get to bed, but we were having a great time just hanging and laughing together. I think we left a little after 10pm, but Avery was still trying to keep the party going. Here she is with a kazoo and a shaker. I honestly have no idea what’s going on in this photo, but I think it’s awesome that my daughter loves music.

Zach and Kara (7/25/14)

Thanks Zegan family for having us over tonight! It was really fun seeing you and I’m sure we’ll be able to do it again soon.

Zach and Kara (7/25/14)


To Poland We Go

To Poland We Go

One of the joys of living in a border town is that you can cross the border and head into Poland! You would think you’d have to go through some kind of border guard, but there are actually wide open borders here and you can drive in like you’re crossing a state line in America. Today we had the pleasure of visiting our friends the Carlsons and kind of unexpectedly spending the entire day with them. It’s pretty great when you have friends that live in another country but are only a 20 minute drive from you! As a double blessing we got to spend time with two of our other teammates, Daniel Reimer and Jacob Hash. Those guys are currently traveling around all of Eastern Europe working on video stuff and I’m excited to see what kind of footage they get when they’re all done.

To Poland We Go!

Heidi and Greg (Carlson) were so hospitable and we’re super thankful for their kindness to us. We basically called them last minute and said, “Hey, we wanna come to Poland today! Are you around?!” Thankfully they didn’t turn us away, but were even kind enough to cook us breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I was especially excited about breakfast because we had pancakes. There’s just something about pancakes that screams “home” and Greg knew we would enjoy a little taste of home.

To Poland We Go

It rained a good amount today. We’ve been surprised about just how much rain they get here, even in summer. We were even told that the area where we live gets more rain than Portland, Oregon which just seems weird. Right now the change in weather is really great, but I do wonder how we’ll feel about it in the future.

To Poland We Go

I don’t have a photo of it, but we had our first team “meeting” today with all of the Josiah Venture Communications Team staff. I’m putting “meeting” in quotes because it was a video conference with the entire team. There are still a lot of staff out of the country right now and one day we’ll all be in the same office together. It’s exciting to begin to think about some of our upcoming projects and see how the Lord will use those things to change lives!

To Poland We Go

I couldn’t help but post this photo (below). During the afternoon Bethany and Avery fell asleep on the recliner and Titus was playing games on Bethany’s iPhone. Our sleep schedules have just been all over the place and I know I haven’t slept past 4am since we arrived. Nevertheless, we’re thankful to the Lord for a fun day in Poland and a great time with brothers and sisters in the Lord. We are serving alongside some incredible people and it’s a pleasure to join this work with them.

To Poland We Go