Family Friends Personal Photography

Some Things You Missed

Here’s a few things you’ve missed:

That day I made my her laugh
We Laughed

That one really late night
A Shay in the Night

That place we used to live
Security Detail

That day we moved
We Moved

That day I finally fit
Tons of Leg Room

That time we were small
Just for Fun

That other time we were small

The day we played with friends
Big Man, Big Remote

That day we got away

That night we just relaxed

That day at the beach

That day we picked a winner (or two)
Orange You Cute

Christianity Friends Music Personal Video

What Dizmas is Doing

I’ve shared before that my good friend Zach Zegan is the lead singer of a band called Dizmas, and they are currently serving in a very unique and special ministry in Czech Republic. The video below is from a few of the guys in the band and really explains what they are doing day-to-day and I thought for those of you who have supported or know Zach and the band, then this would be a great way to hear their hearts and what God is doing in that country.

Family Friends Personal Photography

All In The Family


One of the great pleasures of doing photography is the time I get to spend with friends and families. Over the past few years I’ve been doing family portraits for various seasons and occasions, and I wanted to share some of them with you. For those of you who have been to my portfolio site, some of these you will have already seen, but there’s definitely a lot of unpublished shots in this batch.

:: warning: “shaymless” self-promotion below ::

Come September I will begin to schedule family portraits for Christmas cards and holiday events, and I would love to photograph your family. I try to keep my sessions short and to the point and I definitely try to make it fun for the whole family. Feel free to contact me at shay[at]shaythomason[dot]com and let’s get together and make some memories. Until then, enjoy these from my past clients:








All photography by Shay Thomason. © Shay Thomason. All rights reserved.

Friends Personal Video

Blow Up Blake’s Car, Conan!

If you haven’t heard about Conan O’Brien’s new contest to blow up your car, then be sure and go here and see what it’s all about.

My good friend Blake Boys has submitted his video to have his car blown up by Conan and I think it’s definitely up for the running. Check out his little tune and send in your comments for Conan to blow up Blake’s car… as he pleads with his guitar!

If you’re having trouble viewing the above video, click here to view it on NBC’s site.

Christianity Family Friends

Home To My Home


Three years ago my parents moved from a lifetime of residing in southern California to central Kentucky. Their new town is home to Abe Lincoln’s birthplace and you can literally walk the downtown area in about 5 minutes. I just got home (California) from visiting them for the past six days and I only have one thing to say: Kentucky is not my home.

It’s not that Kentucky is all bad–it does have it’s moments. Louisville is a pretty good city, for example. They boast that they are the 16th largest in the Union, but what I love are the old brick buildings and the Ohio river that it sits against. Also, there is something to say for the American history that Kentucky holds. Everywhere you go you’ll find bronze signs with gold lettering telling you that you’ve just entered a historic city and then explain the significance. But that might also be it’s downfall. The reality is these cities were probably a lot more exciting in the mid 1800’s then they are today because I don’t think anyone has done anything to keep them up in the past hundred and fifty years. But that didn’t stop my parents from loading us up in the car they borrowed (or in Kentucky it could be pronounced “burred”) and lead us around every place that might have any significance, historical or not. The view from the back the car wasn’t always bad as the photo above portrays. The chances of seeing a tractor in your lane with a nice water tower in the skyline isn’t that likely in southern California, so I had to get a shot of it at least for posterity. Nevertheless we saw most of what Kentucky has to offer in a few car rides and it’s not something to write home about–which is why I figured blogging might be the option in my case.

California, at least for now, is home to my home. I say “home to my home” because even as I’m writing this I’m realizing that my home really consists of more than a location, bedroom, kitchen, or even fond memories. Bethany (my lovely wife) was telling me about a blog she read the other day that discussed this very topic. The writer, CJ Mahaney’s daughter, basically explains how she isn’t sad that her parents are moving out of the house she grew up in. She explains how her parents aren’t ones to live in the past and how really home is “where mom is.” As I grow older and continue to establish my own home with my wife, I agree with this sentiment completely and would further add some qualifications to it.

Home for me really consists of the following: where my wife is, where my church is, and where God is choosing to use me. To be without my wife (and I don’t mean to sound cliche) would be like a half-me walking around–it would be weird, gross, and pretty awkward for those around me. She is the one that God designed for me and the more we grow together, the clearer that becomes. Furthermore, to be without a local church would be devastating to my spiritual growth. To miss the teaching of God’s word, the fellowship of other believers, and the constant use of my spiritual gift would leave me misguided and spiritually bankrupt. The church is really an extended family. These are people that I trust my life with and people that I want to be around all the time. They are my friends, my mentors, my brothers and sisters, and my teachers. I want to learn from their experiences, rub shoulders with them, share my prayer requests with them, hold the battleground with them, sing with them, learn with them, share the Gospel alongside them, and learn to love Christ more with them. Finally, I want to have God use me where I am. I don’t want to be idle in my obedience to God. I want to do what he says and trust him for the results. It’s in these things that my home is really established. If my home only consisted of my bedroom, some framed photographs of times past, and some simple memories it would missing some very key elements of my life and wouldn’t be much of a home at all–it would be missing God’s plan and God’s people, and those are things I just can’t live without.

Christianity Family Friends

Love Covers Me

Every so often I find myself overwhelmed by God’s grace in my life. Sometimes they are small things, but when I start thinking about my whole life and I look back and see how God has used so many people and so many situations to make me the man He wants me to be–I get overwhelmed emotionally. Today I came across some photos of my home church of which I’m not in or anything, yet as I looked at them I began to weep. There are photos of young people painting houses for “Neighborhood Impact Paint Day!” and other images of church BBQ’s and game days. And I was reminded of the place where God first showed me the Truth of the Gospel I couldn’t help–and still can’t–but be amazed and simply overwhelmed by His good grace.

I need to look back a lot. It’s not that I don’t see God doing amazing things in my life today, because He is and has, but I need to look back and remember how far God has brought me and cared for me so I don’t get prideful. It’s so simple for me to get caught in the trap of thinking that I did anything to deserve the life God has provided or that I should get any glory for His work. The truth is, apart from His grace–I’m just another lost sinner in need of a Savior. Apart from His plan, His sovereign will, His work, His love–I am nothing. Even coming to Salvation wasn’t something I did, it was a gift given to me by Him and I am eternally grateful. That’s all for today.

Christianity Friends Photography


As Big As You, originally uploaded by shaycam.

I took this photo last night of a friends brand new baby. It is the hand of a one-day-old child holding his father’s index finger.

Sometimes the photos I take can say more than I can write. It’s not that I think I’m some kind of amazing photographer, but sometimes God allows me to see something that makes me speechless. This is one of those times…

Friends Photography

Two Friends Got Married

Married, originally uploaded by shaycam.

Two friends of mine, Nate and Miriam were married this weekend. I had a great time with them and it was a joy to be a part of their big day. I grabbed this shot of the two of them…. good times.

Friends Photography

Available in Kentucky

Available, originally uploaded by shaycam.

Bethany and I spent the weekend in Kentucky for a wedding of one of our friends. We both were in the wedding and it was a great time. I capture the shot above after the rehearsal dinner. I liked it.

Christianity Friends Music Video

Music With A Message…

Dizmas’ new album came out today, and the best part–it’s on this thing called the internet!

Get your copy… $7.99 on iTunes. Beautiful.

And for the record… Zach used to wear those visors–trust me, I was there.