365 Czech Republic

Teaching Fun

Teaching Fun (1/29/15)

I woke up this morning and heard Avery in her room talking. I have no idea how long she had been awake before I got up. When I walked in I found here like this (photo above). She immediately told me, “Daddy, we’re having a party.” For past few days we have noticed Avery doing a lot more playing like this where she sets up a scene or tells you a story about what she’s doing. It’s been fun to see her begin to change and I just wanted to write down this small, but sweet memory.

Teaching Fun (1/29/15)

Today was kind of a special day as I had the opportunity to teach a class with my team at an event called “The Academy” (photo my class is above). Young men and women from around Europe are gathered this week at this event which is led by another team of ours at Josiah Venture. I was asked if my team would teach a workshop on design and I thought it was a great idea. We started today with some basic info, but we had about 10 people in our class, and about half as many countries represented including Ukraine, Poland, and Slovakia. These young people mostly serve in their churches and countries and are just looking for practical skills to help them. Other classes included video, music skills, and even productivity classes. All of it was part of a larger event where theme is “team work.” I’ll be teaching tomorrow and Saturday morning and am already having a ton of fun!

One amazing thing about today was the view we had from our classroom. We were meeting in the library of our training center and the view from where I was teaching is shown in the photo below. At one point it was snowing and I was distracted by just the beauty of God’s creation around us. What a blessing!

Teaching Fun (1/29/15)

Teaching Fun (1/29/15)

Lastly, Bethany had the special opportunity to get away from the house tonight and go on a really fun date. Our friend Misa offered to stay with the kids for the evening so we drove to the Ostrava mall (where we often go for dates) and had a great meal, coffee, and hanging out at the mall. These times are not super often just yet (still working on finding regular babysitting), so we cherish them when the do happen.

As we were leaving the mall we realized we didn’t know where we had parked our car. Unless you are really paying attention when you walk in, it is easy to forget! We must have looked really confused because a really nice Czech man said to us in English, “Do you need some help?” We told him we forget where we parked our car and he said, “Oh, this happens even to me!” He recognized us as Americans and we began to chat with him and found out he has been to the States a few times on business and that his house in Czech is not far from where we live. We told him we were missionaries and he told us about his businesses and family. It was actually a sweet exchange, and he was really, really nice. I’m constantly blown away by Czech because this is so strange that he would even approach us this way. If you think of it, pray for him. His name is Marek and he has three kids. Our exchange was short, but it would be really neat to run into him again and talk more with him. Honestly, I feel like we missed a rare opportunity to share the gospel in English with him and I’m really sad about it. Mostly, I think I was surprised by the exchange and caught off guard. Lord willing, we will see Marek another time and get another opportunity!

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