Hey bro,
I hope you’re doing good and were able to find a ride. I’m sorry you hurt your leg on those stairs–that sucks.
The real reason I’m writing you is to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I let my pride get in the way of telling you about the best thing about me. I’m sorry I was too scared to tell you about a guy named Jesus who saved me from my sin. I know you may not know what sin is, but I should have told you about it. Sin is lame and will ultimately lead to your death which is why I can’t believe I didn’t explain it to you. I’m sure you’re not as lame as me. I’m sure if you could save one of your friends from death you would. But, I had a few minutes with you and I let fear dominate my heart. I feared you wouldn’t care what I thought about sin or about Jesus Christ. I honestly didn’t think you would care about spending eternity in heaven with God as opposed to hell. My selfishness got in the way of letting you know about the greatest gift that was ever given–that is, Jesus Christ. Of course it’s a lot easier for me to write it now because I feel no fear here. I don’t have to look you in the eyes and see you reject me, and as always, hindsight is 20/20. It’s easy for me to look back at our few minutes together and just think of it as an opportunity for you to use my phone and find a ride home, but it couldn’t of just been that. Why would God direct you to me–one of His children–just to borrow my phone? Why did I just happen to drive up at the exact moment with a phone in my pocket, which is what you needed and also with His Word on my heart, which you needed more. It just doesn’t make sense. I mean, I could’ve told you about His amazing love and how He can save you from eternal separation from him if you just accept his free gift in faith, again–the gift of Jesus Christ. I could’ve told you how He has transformed my life, heart, and mind and made me a new man–free from the penalty of sin and death because of my disobedience to Him. Oh I could’ve invited you to church, where we learn more about who this God is and how to follow him better and where we learn all about His work in our lives. Yeah, I probably could’ve explained it all to you in a few minutes, but instead I just let you borrow my phone and go right back to skating–and for that I’m sorry.
I really do hope you can forgive me. You may not believe me now, but Christ really is great. It’s a shame I didn’t tell you about him, but I got scared. I want you to know that I’m praying for boldness the next time I run in to you or someone else. I’m praying that I won’t keep this good news to myself. I’m praying that God would change your heart like He has changed mine.
3 replies on “To the Skater Kid Who Asked To Borrow My Cell Phone”
know exactly what you’re talking about. I know it’s important to share my faith in Christ with others but fear of rejection or being seen as one of those weird people… A friend of mine uses the phrase “What do you think happens after you die?” as an opening question that usually leads to an opportunity to share what he believes.
Hi I enjoyed reading about the skater.
p.s I think Iam your old neighbor for canyon club appts, but I could be worng.If so how come you never talked to me about christ ??? hmmm. Am I not good enough??? oh well byeee have a good 1 mike from appt 326,
Hi I enjoyed reading about the skater.
p.s I think Iam your old neighbor for canyon club appts, but I could be worng.If so how come you never talked to me about christ ??? hmmm. Am I not good enough??? oh well byeee have a good 1 mike from appt 326,Oh well I tried to make eye contact to say hi but never worked & God talked to once before my six surgeries he’s ok with me. sorry for typing errors I failed typing class. :O)