
A Much Needed Walk

the hurting tree, originally uploaded by shaycam.

I’m a little bit tired right now, but I felt the urge to blog a bit. I went and got my hair cut today, which makes me happy. Sometimes I just can’t take it getting all crazy and long. Often I think that I am going to grow it out, but that never happens.

But beyond getting my hair cut I spent some time walking today. There is this place that I have always wanted to go check out right near my apartment and I finally grabbed my camera and went over there. Apparently it’s a pretty happening place, because it has trash can, parking spaces, and even a drinking fountain. It’s kind of hard to explain, but it’s nice, and it makes you feel like you’ve gone someplace that few people go, but really I think lots of people go there. As I said, I brought my camera along and I snapped a few pics along the way. If you get some time in the next few weeks, go take a walk, because I’m telling you, the year is almost over. Yeah, we’re still 2 months out, but these are going to blow by and we’re going to forget Fall.

One reply on “A Much Needed Walk”

Shay, I love seeing your pictures. It gives new perspective on things simple and overlooked in our hurried fast paced lives. Love that you found your feet! The face in the trees looks kind of “Lord of the Ringish”. very cool. have a good one!

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