365 Czech Republic

Pancake Day, Beautiful Weather, and National Orientation

Pancake Day (2/17/15)

Today was “Pancake Day” in the U.K., and since one of our teammates, Rachael, is a Northern Ireland native she brought pancakes for us to enjoy this morning at our team meeting. Traditionally you eat them with sugar and lemon juice which was new to me and surprisingly tasty! At one point I asked for a fork, but Rachael noted that she usually just rolls them up and eats them. So if you’re feeling international and hungry for some pancakes, don’t heat to IHOP. Make your own at home and grab the sugar and lemon juice!

Titus (2/17/15)

It was bitter cold this morning (in the teens), but by the afternoon we were enjoying temperatures in the mid forties! You wouldn’t think that would merit opening the window and thinking it’s a Spring day, but that’s exactly what was happening. In the photo above that Bethany took you can see how the snow was melting in the sun, but anything in the shade is just solid ice. It’s such a dramatic change for us living here when it comes to weather, but we’re getting used to it.

Unrelated to weather, here’s a photo of Titus with pipe cleaners on him. Just for fun.

Titus (2/17/15)

Finally, tonight I had the privilege of introducing my team at the Josiah Venture national orientation. No clue what that is? Let me explain. The mission of Josiah Venture is to “equip young leaders in Central and Eastern Europe to fulfill Christ’s commission through the local church.” One way that is accomplished is through a core value we call “indigenous empowerment.” Basically, we want to see the nationals (that is, anyone from the same country they serve in), we want to see them empowered to reach their own people with the gospel. Josiah Venture helps support those local ministries and today began a 3 day orientation where 19 nationals become part of the greater Josiah Venture family. This week they will learn about JV, our core values, history, etc. and will be introduced to raising support in their countries as supported missionaries. I will actually be teaching them on Thursday about how to use technology and social media to aid in their support raising efforts. I’m looking for to my time with them! Here’s one photo I got of the room tonight. Pray for these leaders!

JV National Orientation (2/17/15)

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