
Absolutely Necessary

sticks.jpgIt’s been kind of a crazy last couple of days. Didn’t have any school this week, well, from Wednesday on. But anyways I had a great time doing open air evangelism on Wed. night with the students. God really used that time and I think all of us were stretched.

Ok, but check it out. I bought a couple of new shirts and a new backpack on Friday night, it was tight. Been working a few extra hours this week because of school being off. So that should help with the finances a little bit. I’ve been taking my camera with me a lot of places and that’s been fun. I should probably take a photography class and figure out how to maximize my skills, you know?… Right now I’m sitting the student center at school and I’m listening to Coldplay. It’s kind of a chill moment. Like a music video, but obviously not as cool as any Coldplay video that has ever been made. But very much have the cafe style feel. It’s nice. Warm. Cozy… ahh…

I think the new shaycam blog is going over pretty well. I appreciate the posts, they make me laugh. OOH.. I just remembered something I was going to ask you guys: Should I cut my hair or let grow out? Let’ start a discussion about it. I feel good.. ok bye.

5 replies on “Absolutely Necessary”

Stick with the same hairstyle. Although it was cool when you used to dress up as George McFly when your hair was longer. You where able to pull it off. I don’t know about the short hair deal. Short as in my style?

Oh Shay – did you check out my blog? Pics from the Dizmas show in Bako are posted.

I like you pic. Ok that’s it! I think I am going to go find you a class to take. Funny – my pastor was talking about talents and how in our current society we try hard to be average a skill we want and therefore neglect the skills we are really good at. Sherman – as designer I can see you have a talent there. Develop it my man!

Alright that is my two cents although it looks like a buck fifty. 🙂

Thanks Abe for your kind commments. Also I check out those pics, so freakin’ tight. Kind of wish I would have gone, but it’s a long drive and kind of hard to get out there! Alright, I’m actually in class so peace out.

Ok, I’m only posting anonymously because I don’t have an account, so to make it very clear that I’m not trying to hide, this is Erin Augustson. Just checking out the site. I typed it in once and it didn’t work and I typed in the exact same thing and it worked. Crazy how the internet is sometimes.
I am so excited about the evangelism with the youth. I was praying about it so much. God is awesome.
And as far as hair goes, I have nothing to compare the long or short to. So I can’t really have an opinion. Yeah?

grow the locks dude. college is the time to do it. once you get out, you’re a slave to the man and he expects you to look a certain way. enjoy it while you can.

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