I don’t think any of you noticed my cam last night, but it was on all night and it was pointing to this guy to my right, Josh Kleven. The pictures you are currently gazing upon is him still sleeping at 11:17AM on the floor of my room. But the funny part about this whole situation is the fact that I left the house about 7:45AM because I was going to the beach with my youth group. . ahh.. so anyway. That was interesting.
The beauties of summer. I think we all should consider how wonderful it is to be able to be like Josh and wake up at, well let me just throw out a number, 11:17 maybe, during the summer hours. That’s all I have to say about that..
As far as the beach goes, I went to Zuma Beach. My youth pastor Chris got his directions from a guy named Pete, and we all know how that can go. Let’s just say we went about 30 miles in the complete opposite direction of where we needed to be. After arriving over an hour late, the water was just as cold as it would have been had we have made the correct turns towards are final destination.
The beach did not inflict any pain (sunburn) upon my body so that was a good deal. So, all is well in the life of Shay. I work tomorrow 🙁
July 21st Continued..
I had to continue with this post because I had some really important stuff to talk about.
Last week I was informed of 17 year guitar player of a band called “Rock and Roll Worship Circus” being badly injured in a cliff jumping accident. I was asked to pray for him and did so as soon as I found out. As I have been checking their webstie and searching around for the news of his condition (because the news I had up until’ then said that he was in critical condition) I finally found the REAL story. Their website posted the entire story of his amazing trial. As I was reading this article.. (Please read the article) http://www.worshipcircus.com/news.htm I began to cry right here at this very computer because through this young man’s story, you can see God’s mercy and his love for his servant’s. As I cried I realized how small I am to my God and my Savior and how much power he has. God is good!