
March 30, 2002 2:21 P.M.

Ok kids, Gotta tell ya! LOOK AT THAT PIC!!!!!!!!!!!! I CUT MY HAIR OFF! ALL OF THEM. I am currently sitting here with Sara Burt, and she feels pretty good about this. How do you kids feel? I need the feedback. I screamed a lot when I got in to the parking lot after getting this done. This is a work of art. I feel good, real good.

I can’t think of anything else to say. BUT I GOT MY HAIR CUT!



March 29, 2002 11:46 A.M.

Just when you think you’re doing good, everything just starts falling apart around you. Ok, so I need to design this new freakin’ website for my scholarship at the Art Institute of Los Angeles, but like, I can’t seem to get any ideas. But, what I don’t get is, I can sit down in one day and make this shaycam site. It’s weird. The site is due, with a bunch of other crap to the art institute on monday. But I have no idea how I am going to get all this crap done. I suck. I really do.

Anyways, I went to San Diego for a few days yesterday and we got hooked up. We had a hotel in town and they screwed up and over-booked the place. So we got to stay in the Marriot Marina right on the bay. It was sweet. $359.00 a night! But the hotel paid it for us! It was so cool. I liked it. I got these new glasses >>>>>>>> there. HI. ok.. so I feel good. If you didn’t guess. Senioritis has taken effect. I’m losing my life to the system!! I’m going to disneyland in a couple of weeks. uh?.. what else.. don’t know. There are people in my life who I enjoy being with. like my friends. Oh, I am going to say hi to them now. Hello to all the people who are reading this. because, you kids are my friends. haha. I love it. IT’S ALL ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! heheheeheehehh.. ok I’m getting weird. bye.



March 26, 2002 10:43 A.M.

I didn’t make it home until about 3:43A.M. this morning. I played this game called “catch phrase” at a friends house until’ we almost flipped out. It was a blast. uh?.. I found out some good news. My site is growing! More and more people are starting to become attracted to my life and how it is so dull and boring. It’s great! We’re starting a revolution! I don’t know what else we’d want in our life, except some kid that let’s you see into his room.

But whatever. My cat is on my desk right now and it’s starting to make me mad. My spring break has been weird. I need to do a lot of stuff, but no time at this moment. I am writing you people so you can be sure to have your “fill of shay” for the day. I’m thinking about adding some cool new features to this site. But that’s for another time.

I think I feel a song coming on: “..” nope.. nevermind. I thought I had something, but I just couldn’t think of anything. uh?.. How do you feel about that pic to the right?.. It’s weird. my hair is weird. I need to change it. Got any ideas? EMAIL ME!




March 23, 2002 8:24 P.M.

My head kind of feels weird at the moment. I got really dizzy for a while today and I couldn’t really think correctly. So if some of that rubs off into this journal, then just disregard me and move on with life. Anyways, I found at that recently many people (including my principal!) check out the ole’ shaycam! it’s fantastic. This sites features one of the oddest most intriguing people that you could ever meet. ME! Ok, maybe I’m bragging, but I made the site, it’s about me, and you know what? That might as well be bragging in itself! whew..

But either way, I enjoy posting these journals so that you kids can find out what’s going on with me in my daily life. Today, however, has been weird. Not sure what I did today, just know that things were moving around in a circle for the most part and I found peace and rest in changing my guitar strings and playing a melody to sing to. My dad bought me a new tuner for my guitar (check it out here)! It’s really nice, and works well! uh.. I’m trying to think if there was really anything else I could tell you kids about today?.. hm.. well, all my friends are out of town, and I’m stuck here; confined to my room and my guitar, which honestly isn’t that bad, but this is the antelope valley, and it’s just no good. But whatever. I’m outta here. I’m helping lead worship at my dad’s church tomorrow, so.. eh?. bye.




March 16, 2002 1:49 AM

It’s been a long day. I have been up since 5:00AM and it’s now 1:49AM. Soon it will be 2:00 and then I will feel like I really should’ve gone to bed a while ago. Today, well yesterday and today have been weird days.. even though I’ve only been alive in today for about 1 hour and 52 minutes, but you understand. My eyes seem to continue to try to shut while my body stays awake. I’ve been going and going and just can’t seem to settle down until now. Later today I will leave (about 8:30AM) for the art institute of Los Angeles. I’m tired. I can’t go on with any more stories.. So I’m just going to have to continue this with another post some time. So settle down kids..




February 1, 2002

The picture here I have entitled “lastdayshot.jpg” when I saved it. But like, I really don’t get it? Kind of has a really weird feeling to it if you look at it. Pretty much sums up the past couple of weeks. Had a rough couple of weeks. Finals week was last week, I got hurt at soccer practice and am on crutches as we speak. Plus some other things happened that were confusing. And then this week was spiritual emphasis week at my school. Just pretty much got to worship and listen to awesome speakers in daily chapels. Very, very cool.

So my emotions have been all over the place. Some were of laughs and giggles in Mrs. Horning’s class and other’s were being lead by the Spirit to cry and sing during communion time at school. You never know how God works. He just does. I am not listening to music right now. A speaker at school challenged us to listen to God a little better than to listen to music or the tv and so on. So this is my story, take it for what it is and then be happy. ok I am tired. my eyes are closing.



January 8, 2002



I haven’t written in a while and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you or your family. hehe.. anyways.. I am in a good mood for some reason. It’s interesting when you think about it how you can get into moods. I really don’t understand it. I am sitting here all jazzed about whatever. Maybe it’s writing this journal, or maybe it’s just the thought that I am alive and well and breathing and typing and being who God made me; me.

ok i think that I will go now.

oh yeah I have new computer and it is fast. bye



December 6, 2001

hhm.. I think the only person that reads my little blurbs is a guy by the name of Daniel Conner. and I think it’s kind of funny that I’m referring to him in a way that makes it seem like I am talking to someone other than him. But if he was the only to read these, then I should probably just talk to him directly like, “hi Daniel.” I don’t know. That was hard to explain. But I guess my life lately has been like this picture at the right. I am listening to some emo stuff and just kind of being me.

I haven’t really heard from people lately. It’s confusing me. I don’t know if you understand what that means, but once you do you can feel like me. I’m starting to write more stuff down. Just my general thoughts and ideas about how things work up there in my head. I’m different. Just like you are different. All you have to do is channel that kind energy and write it down, or paint it, or just say it. It’s all just art, right?




October 28, 2001

I should be studying for an English test. But I really can’t seem to get focused. That class is like a disappointment for the whole day. I have it 5th period, and that bell out of 4th going to 5th is the worst. Cause you know you’re going to face Mrs. Horning, and no one wants that. haha.. you’d have to know and see this lady to understand. oh man.. anyway.. what have you been doing? hhm.. I’ve been doing quite a little amount of nothing. How do you feel about that? I feel good personally. uh. I’m done. I have nothing to contribute to myself.



October 15, 2001

check out my lip ring…ok it’s fake, but I’m getting it done for my birthday

It’s kind of early in the morning. It’s 6:51AM by my little computer clock in the bottom right of my screen and I just thought I’d take a minute and relax. It’s been a crazy weekend and now I have to get up and get my crap to school, which by the way, I am finally back at (school that is).

I went and saw MxPx and Lit this weekend in concert. A bunch of us guys drove down. It was rockin’ your pants off. Only problem was is that we saw a bunch of stuff we didn’t need or want to see. Like the girls being hoisted up and making out with each other. Or the lady that busted out some heroin right in front of us then walked off all goofball. But the part that was the most painful and fun was when the two sides of the crowds started chucking stuff at each other and getting all pissed. That “stuff” I’m talking about included plastic bottles, glass bottles, shoes, dirt, bottles with dirt inside, paper cups with dirt inside and etc. I was nuts! and we were right in the middle. I got hit in the face, that was cool. Couple other guys in our group got hit too. One of my friends got a beer to the head. That wasn’t funny, but it was funny. <--haha. Anyway, I'll see you guys later. To school it is. Shay